I’ll add a warnings later on if there are certain scenes that require it.One unsteady leg after another led him into a wobbly trot, and as he bounded clumsily through the underbrush, he saw no roads, nothing but forest.He could see Sirius up there, his Dog Star winking down at him from so far away.But this summer, with that last thread snapping, he felt that the dark thoughts he held back came flooding in. He could feel the power behind them he felt gravity fall out from beneath him after a particularly hard push down.As quickly as he could, he stood shuffling his legs as anxiety clawed at his chest.episode? And yet, as soon as he made to stand his legs collapsed underneath him.He was well and truly lost, alone in whatever mess he seemed to get himself into this time.I’ve always loved Creature!Harry fics, there just ain’t enough in my opinion.And so, he pushed off from the ground, and with a strong downwards beat of his wings jumped into the open air.No, it would appear he now has a set of bird feet.The stars were so bright, and when just a few minutes ago, he could see the few specks as they littered the sky.The sleeping world and the waking seemed to taunt him.' Birdsong echoed through the quiet forest, dawn steadily approaching on the horizon.A cry fell from his mouth, and he was startled by how inhuman it sounded.Flashes of red and a scream, an all-consuming feeling washed over him, he was HUNGRY.How far had he flown to get to this place.He moved to stand and take in the damage of the sudden.He panicked, trying to get his- well, all of his legs to move correctly.The strength of the darkness grew until he was folded over, hands over his eyes, pain wracking his body.He couldn't stop seeing Sirius' fall-his passing. He used to fear it when he was younger-the aches in his chest, the headaches, the darkness.The veil fell over his eyes once more, and as shouts echoed around him, he fell back into darkness.He considered for the first time that this agony might not be grieving pains after all.It seemed like his only relief was when he stared up at the stars at night, lost in its open maw.He felt himself begin to drift into unconsciousness and thought distantly.It was so hard to breathe-bloody hell, why was it so hard to breathe. Hogwarts Mystery part 53 - The Magical Creature Reserve

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